Monday, August 15, 2011

like a star- corinne bailey rae

i dont mean to sound melodramatic
i feel so hollow lately haha

with or without alcohol and cigarettes, i remain the same shell from freshman year 
so, i guess my aimless, endless drinking was not the culprit after all
what is it

i know my happiness shouldn't depend on boys or relationships, 
and God's love is more than enough for me 
at least,
in theory 
i can't help but admit they're two separate kinds of love

good things come to those to wait... right?


  1. I'd agree that they're two separate kinds of love, since God's love is unconditional, whereas any humanly love can only be conditional in the end.

    As long as you don't live for worldly relationships only, it's all good :)

  2. haha amen!! thanks for the advice~ ^^
